Factors in successful programme completion for postsecondary students with disabilities: A systematic review of the literature
Corresponding Author
Erika Nail
Butler County Community College, Butler, Pennsylvania, USA
Erika Nail, Butler County Community College, 107 College Drive, Butler, PA 16002, USA.
Email: [email protected]
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Erika Nail
Butler County Community College, Butler, Pennsylvania, USA
Erika Nail, Butler County Community College, 107 College Drive, Butler, PA 16002, USA.
Email: [email protected]
Search for more papers by this authorAbstract
Enrolment of postsecondary students with disabilities continues to increase, yet completion rates of postsecondary students with disabilities are much lower than those of their non-disabled peers. The purpose of this systematic review is to examine the perceptions of postsecondary students with disabilities, solely within the USA, regarding factors they believe are influential in completing their postsecondary programme. Specifically, the study will focus on student-related factors as identified within the literature. A total of 19 studies were identified after meeting the inclusionary criteria for review. The results of the review identified the student's kindergarten (K) to grade 12 (K-12) transition services, the student's knowledge of their disability and related postsecondary disability services, the student's ability to self-advocate, the student's self-determination and the student's support system as student-related factors that influence their ability to successfully complete a postsecondary programme. According to the literature, these student-related factors are heavily impacted by the social interactions of their past and present instructors, peers, support systems, legislators and chosen postsecondary institution. Therefore, Critical Disability Theory was chosen as the lens for analysis to examine how students with disabilities, a marginalised group, continue to face obstacles within postsecondary environments. Postsecondary students with disabilities are more apt to be successful in completing their programme if the identified student factors are present. It is important for K-12 support systems, family support systems and postsecondary institution support systems to recognise that the identified factors are important for successful programme completion by students with disabilities. Implications for future research, policy and practice are discussed.
I have no conflict of interests to disclose.
Open Research
The data that support the findings of this study are available on request from the corresponding author.
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