Key Educational Factors in the education of students with a medical condition
Corresponding Author
Michele Capurso
Dipartimento di filosofia, scienze sociali, umane e della formazione
Università degli Studi di Perugia
Piazza Ermini 1
06123 Perugia
Search for more papers by this authorJohn L. Dennis
Search for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author
Michele Capurso
Dipartimento di filosofia, scienze sociali, umane e della formazione
Università degli Studi di Perugia
Piazza Ermini 1
06123 Perugia
Search for more papers by this authorJohn L. Dennis
Search for more papers by this authorAbstract
The education of children with a medical condition represents a unique educational context. The key educational factors that can help these children continue their education despite the burdens associated with their illness were discussed and analysed by a pool of experts for an EU funded project. In this context, relationships, making sense and constructing knowledge, assuming roles in front of others, metacognition, individualities and inter-institutional communication emerged as the 6 Key Educational Factors (KEF) that are crucial for the education of this vulnerable population. The implications of the KEFs for home and hospital education are discussed, with a particular focus on practices that meet the relational and communicational needs of these children. Specific recommendations for the practice, policy, and research regarding these KEF within this unique educational context are presented.
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